26th January, a red-letter day when the Constitution of India came into effect. It was picked as the Republic day since it was on this day in 1930 when the Declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was announced by the Indian National Congress. To illuminate the feeling of this red-letter day, our NGO – “Gursidak Foundation” celebrated the day with students of their tuition center. Several activities were held at Shivalik Avenue, Naya Nangal, the Slum area of the village, Nangal Dam.

Predominantly, an art competition was organized for the students with the theme of Republic Day to bring to light their artistic abilities and the representation of this day in their minds. They were provided with all the basic necessities for the competition-crayons, drawing sheets, pencils, etc. They all utilized these products to the best of their ability and presented beautifully drawn pictures. Our heart was content and it enriched a sense of pride among us to see them create the most beautiful paintings with great zeal.
Apart from the art competition, ‘Bhangra’ competition was also scheduled. The children danced their hearts out and it was extremely joyous for us to watch them as they danced on the beats of the music. After the ‘Bhangra’ the children were provided with refreshments to wear out their exhaustion.
A little while later, an online session was held for them as they were very keen to know what today was about. In the session, the students were imparted with everything they wanted to know about Republic Day. They attended the session with great interest and concentration.
The event was a hit, and our mission to educate them about The Republic Day was accomplished.

Great event!!♥️♥️
Great work by ngo we all are doing great work to enhance the education and knowledge of these under privileged children….we try to celebrate every occasion with them with a great pleasure to bring a smile on their face…we all urge you all to support us with whatever you can do for these children.
This session had surely helped them in knowing the meaning of patriotism.🇮🇳